Posted by Carol Hannigan
on Feb 24, 2016
Our Rotary Foundation had it's 100th Birthday February 23rd so why not celebrate with a Birthday cake. Past President and our Foundation Chair Chip Lindloff gave us a history of the Foundation and we watched a nice video which had pictures from the beginning. My how nice our fore fathers looked and dressed.
Our meeting started by welcoming twelve guests. Some had announcements and presentations and some just came to see what Rotary is all about and feel the welcoming from our Club. No one got a fine as we had a guest at each table.
Director Dave Perez, of the Veterans Resource Center presented our Club with a certificate of appreciation for the many contributions of time, money and support we have given this organization.
Don Idding from Reno Sunrise Club gave us a report on the Edible Peddle fund raiser coming up September 18th. Our Club plans on partnering with them by managing the Commercial selling booths. More information will be coming.
Our program speaker was William Process. Bill is the President of the Reno/Sparks Realtors Association and the President of the Veterans Association of Real Estate Professionals. We now have a lot of knowledge concerning the aid that is offered to Veterans to assist them in having a home to live in and eventually own while they are transitioning from the military to civilian life. If anyone would like more information you can contact Bill 775 315-2936. Also if you are interested in purchasing a brick for the new park contact him.
Past President Shelley Johnson passed around sign up sheets for duties at our Shamrock Shindig. If you haven't volunteered please contact her or Mark. Our ticket sales are picking up and our raffle/auction baskets are ready. Mark will have some announcements on tickets for members and spouses.
I am starting to think President Duane is enjoying everyone drawing the white marble. Maybe it will be his turn soon to try for the prize. Melissa sure did. If we look at the bag closely I think you can see the red marble in the left corner. Well at least we all get a few moments of hope. Next week Joel Madison will give us a presentation on the Space Plane. If you have some late items for the auction baskets we left one open to add to it. Please give them to Melissa as I will be out of town after that.
See you next Tuesday,