Posted by Carol Hannigan on Jun 23, 2016

will be on her way home but not until she turned eighteen
at our Rotary meeting on Tuesday.

her presentation of the past year with us. Attending Galena High School,
with A's in every subject, was a great accomplishment. After returning
home Seonmin will complete her senior year then off to college in
Italy to become a Fashion Designer. Beside participating in most
Rotary events, Seonmin was very impressed with Universal Studios in
Southern California.

with father Chris Morgan a little after. Chris had some cute stories to tell. Rotary Ski Day was one when
Seonmin arrived, got on her skis then let everyone know she had never done this. Past President and ski
instructor Rick Lierman saved the day by giving her a crash course. We will miss Seonmin as she has
been one of our more involved students. Chesa Keane presented her with a gift from our Club with a
tear in her eye.

up coming demotion party. The Club has gathered script right through the end of
this meeting.
Duane had a extra long Music Madness for us. Great songs and artists, of course I
only knew Elvis, who else is there?

to our membership. Scott has moved to our area along with his job being near us so
it works better for him to attend a evening Club. More information will be coming as
the time nears. I believe holding a glass of water may change to a glass of wine.

her last week there was a discussion on who should be elected President. Well her
vote was for Larie Trippet. It looks like we have a smart girl there.
New member Bridget Brundige brought her husband Tony to the meeting. It is encouraged
to bring a family member or S.O. so they can get an understanding of our Club. I believe
it also qualifies toward her Blue Badge.
Past President Jim Annis read us about Birthdays and Aging by George Carlin. Look it up
on the web, how true.

one but free dinner is still a deal.
See everyone at the home of Jim Annis next week for President Duane's Demotion Party.