October 13th brought our District Governors visit. Gail (aka Virus) bestowed many awards on our Club and on some of the members.
Chesa Keane was given Be A Gift To The World for her willingness to shine her light to all.
Ralph Koss was awarded the Quiet Rotarian honor.
Past President  and Charter Daddy, Jim Annis, Past President Chip Lindloff and long time member John Milliken were recognized for their generous contributions to The Paul Harris Society.
Our sweet member Courtney Pino received her Blue Badge.  Didn't take her long
We had an update from District Polio Plus chair Deb Nelson.
Our own President Elect, Melissa Lindell gave us an update on the South Valley Regional Park. A lot of good stuff going on
Blue Badges are raining. Proud to have joined our Club is Mark Leiser. 
It looks like Courtney and Ralph are enjoying the Vino for Reno event.  A great fund raiser for the Roteract Club.
Now here is a gift. RBC Wealth Management has a program for full time employees who give the extra mile. Shelley Johnson applied for a grant to be awarded to a Charity.
Shelley presented our Club with a check for $500.00 to be used as needed.  There may be similar programs where you work, check it out.
Our speaker Tuesday was Warren Rapp, Business Director at UNR (NAASIC) interface with the Drone Industry. If you weren't at the meeting please talk to a member that was. It is amazing the uses.
We have a lot coming up, Food Bank on Nov. 7th. Rotary Means Business on Nov. 17th,  Toy Drive by Dec. 8th, Bell Ringing and Wreaths Across America on Dec. 12th and our Christmas Party on Dec. 15th to mention a few.
Another fund raiser was the RYE students Choir presentation. Our own Seon Min Jung participated.  By the was Seon has straight A's in all of her classes at Galena High School.
I am sure there were several things missed but plan on hanging around Reno to catch all the good stuff coming up.