Posted by Carol Hannigan on Sep 09, 2016
A few highlights while I was traveling in Wyoming and Montana.
Our August 23rd meeting was focused on membership which is the Rotary theme for August.

Past President Jim Annis and current co-membership chair, gave a great presentation on recruiting and retaining members. Jim had many statistics and views on where the new generations are heading. As the charter President of our Club Jim has a dedication to growing our membership in the right direction. Jim announced that our membership committee, himself, myself, Carol Hannigan and Larie Trippit have taken on a three year commitment to grow our Club to fifty members by the end of 2018. So all members are encouraged to take our guidance in recruiting new members.
Speaking of new members Elijah Thomas, Leslie Raggio and Kimberley Elliott all have their applications in for membership.

President Leslie Adams gave us the information for joining the Downtown Club in building a house in Mexico. Past President Mark Schauss gave us an update on our Fund Raising projects, Past President Rick Lierman is organizing a committee of Past Presidents to select a Presidential candidate to follow Melissa Lindell.

Well we are the lucky guinea pigs. Mark and Jo Leiser made a combination called Cowboy Chocolate. It is high quality jerky covered by chocolate. If you weren't here to get a sample you missed something special.

Our Percational speaker was Ricardo Villacorta. Ricardo was raised in El Salvador which came as a great surprise to us all. We asked why he had no accent? His response was not until he had a few beers. If you did not hear him speak please sit with him and learn more.

Always happy to draw any color marble is Past President Chip Lindloff.
The rest of the photos are provided by Secy. Chesa Keane, many thanks to her.
On August 23rd we had the pleasure of three of our RYLA attendees speak to our membership. Former member Bruce Arnold who passed away left a sustaining award for a most improved RYLA student. Bruce's brother John drove from Oregon to present the award to Ariana. The other two attendees are Hallie and Megan. We do have their last names but not advised to print them. Our August 30th meeting was a fun BBQ on the patio of the Tamarack. We had the pleasure of having two RYE students attend. Leslie enjoyed exchanging trading flags.