Posted by Carol Hannigan on Jan 27, 2017

January 17th was our Don't Return It, Donate It auction. As usual it was a lot of fun and laughs.

Our stand in auctioneer, Past President Jim Annis, did a great job moving the evening along. Of course our very own Vana presented the items for all to see.

Past President Dave Zybert (Vana) is wondering just what is this ?
Member Brigitte Kidd had her eye on the Coach purse.
The star bidder did most of his next years Christmas shopping. His wife will be very impressed. Way to go Ricardo.

He made up for the absence of Peggy Musser. We did have time for Past President Rick Lierman to draw the white marble.

Now this is exciting. Our speaker on January 24th was Francine Burge, Special Events Coordinator for the City of Sparks. Francine informed us the Dragon Boat Races are coming to Sparks on August 19th. After she explained the event the members were very interested in participating. So Charter Daddy, Jim Annis donated the fee to secure a boat for our Club to race in. The boat holds twenty rowers and will compete with 17 other boats. I feel a challenge to other Rotary Clubs coming on.

The good news is no experience is necessary and we get life vests. More information will be coming as the event unfolds. Thank you Jim.

Our percational speaker was Ken Petring. Ken once thought he would be involved with Fisheries the rest of his life. He has had a full career with screen printing t-shirts and spending the last twenty two years with Natures Bounty which sells vitamins, health bars, powders, extra c and Kroger brands. Ken even brought us samples to take home. He is passionate about being a charter member of our Club and all we do for the community and world. If there is an International project in the air you can bet Ken is involved.

President Leslie made a plea for help getting permission slips and more for our inbound RYE student Juane. His family has made a lot of monitory sacrifices to afford him to travel to Washington D.C. and Hawaii with the other RYE students. Please let Leslie know if you can give time to securing documentation slips to allow him to go. Also let Chesa or Scott know if you have a suggestion for the next host family.

Rick and Elijah happy to get white marbles.