Duane's first meeting. A great success and a lot of fun. There were several bell ringing and announcements. Past President Chip Lindloff let us know our Club has a 100 percent giving toward Every Rotarian, Every Year and a large amount of sustaining members. In order to secure reserved tables for the upcoming RI Presidents visit on August 14th, President Duane asked for a show of hands from those who plan to attend. From Past Shelley Johnson we heard about her upcoming plans for Vocational speeches and from Speaker co-chair myself plans for the August 4th Fireside Chat. I can't believe no one has drawn the red marble.  Melissa gave it a real try. Next meeting the pot will be over $1000.00.
We were honored to have in our attendance Assistant District Governor Tina Spencer from  Centennial Sunrise and Assistant District Governor Joel Muller from Reno South along with  new current Presidents, Kurt Chapman, Reno Downtown, Ron Rehn, Reno Sunrise and Volker Huber, Sparks Rotary. 
See you next week which will include our speaker Washoe County Undersheriff John Spencer.