After being blessed by our President Duane Upton our meeting began with many hand shakes and hugs. We had announcements from Ralph Koss and Past President Shelley Johnson. It's Food Bank time again so Ralph sent around a sign up sheet for Feb. 6th starting at 9:00 a.m. Shelley brought flyers for the next Rotary Means Business.  The event is Wednesday, January 20, 2016 from 5:30 to 7:00. The location is Taps and Tanks, Great Basin Brewery, 1155 South Rock Blvd. #490.  If you want more information contact Brett Meich at
Melissa Lindell, representing the fund raising committee requested all committee members along with other interested parties attend our meeting next Tuesday at 5:00.  Melissa also showed a flyer for items needed to fill our raffle/auction baskets.  We need wine and items not later than Feb. 15th in order to assemble the baskets.  If you have questions please contact Melissa, Rick or myself.  By the way Melissa found a great home for Nala in Truckee, big happy ending there.
Our procational speaker was Robin Taber. More than anything, Robin has a great appreciation for Rotary and Polio Plus, having a childhood affection being aided by charities like the Shriners Hospital.
Our program speaker was George Woodside. His talk was primarily on Motor Awareness and Safety.  We saw a shocking video and learned of stopping distances, things we don't see and more.
Now come on. Chesa has been a very lucky girl lately. That red marble is still getting away from her.  Our dollar amount is growing rapidly.
I hope this next meeting finds all of our members healthy and well again. So many of us have had that chest congestion and cold that is hanging on for several weeks.
Our speaker, this comming Tuesday, Julie Macc on Identity Theft will be bringing hand outs for us to take home.