Posted by Carol Hannigan
on May 04, 2016
As the last minute the Tamarack changed us to the Steak House for our meeting. My eyes were playing tricks on me I thought we were being served this. Yeah Right!!!! They did have our board meeting table set up and the buffet was Italian so all was well.
We had several recognitions and ringing of the bell. We were all glad to welcome back Larie Trippet from his two month RV trip around the United States. Larie was able to attend several Rotary Clubs and exchanged a flag with the Flager Beach Rotary Club in Florida. Some members stayed after the meeting to listen to his experiences. President Duane Upton reminded us we are dark next Tuesday and the make up will be attending the District Conference lunch on Friday. We need to preregister on line as walk ups will not be accepted this year. The lunch will include a speaker.
Dave Zybert made his request for members to join him for President Duane's demotion party scheduled on June 28th at the home of Jim Annis. I smell a Roast coming?
Our percational speaker for the evening was Melissa Lindell. This is truly where we get to know our fellow members and what brought them to this point in their lives.
Our guest speaker was Stanley Thomas, Executive V.P. from EDAWN. Stan had a nice power point and video ready for us but because of the move we unable to provide him AV or a screen. Well we did just fine. Stan gave us a great presentation on My New Nevada. Get ready Reno/Sparks for a huge business boom and jobs. If you would like to hear more on the super loop connection Nevada will be in and more of the new industry already committed to coming please contact Stan at
O.K. now for the I almost got ya look from white marble drawer Ricardo, free dinner it is.
On May 20th the eight area Rotary Clubs are sponsoring the WIN breakfast at the Peppermill from 7-9 in the Capri room. This would be a good time to attend and reconnect with past members and mingle with current ones and maybe find some new ones. I don't know the charge for breakfast and they always have a good program.