We have a new Club Foundation President and Board.  Our dear Ralph Koss has accepted the helm. Our team this year is Ralph Koss, President, Larie Trippet, Treasurer, Dennis McCormac, Vice President, Rafael Cappucci, Director, and Joe Musser, Club Liaison
So here they are. Four new members were inducted last Tuesday. Sponsor Past President Shelley Johnson introduced Mark Leiser, a teacher from Fallon and Josephine Jiminez, Mark's fiance. Sponsor Past President Chip Lindloff introduced Holly Cerasoli, Office Manager at Nelson Electric and Robin Taber, Mortgage Lending Specialist at Umpqua Bank. Our Club so welcomes them.
Our speaker was Bill Hauck, Senior Hydrologist from TMWA.  All of the facts and graphs were a eye opener for us all.  I had no idea the water resources owned by the Authority to keep us in drinking water.  Bill was proud to announce the requested water usage of 10% reduction was met.  Through good management of our water resources Reno and Sparks are still in good shape even though we are in a drought, of course that could change if the drought persists. 
There were several sham less plugs and we had visitors from Reno South encouraging all members to attend their fund raising Oktoberfest Sept. 19th at Wolf Run.  For information go to Oktoberfest.renosouthrotary@gmail.com.
Assistant District Governor Joel Muller is looking for volunteers for the NCET Expo on Friday Sept. 17th and for Edible Pedal Sunday Sept. 19th.  For more information contact our President Duane Upton.
Sorry for the late bulletin but this race fan was at the Indy Car races for the past five days. Sun and wind burnt will see you all tomorrow.