Nice and relaxing meeting.  We got all of our announcements, bell ringing done and had time for discussions.
Kendall Masuko from the Rotary Club of Reno Midtown paid us a visit. Midtown is soliciting donations for the National Veterans Golden Age Games held in Detroit Michigan, July 10th through the 14th.VA Sierra Nevada Health Care Systems is hoping to send some Veterans with disabilities to participate.  If you are interested and have questions call Kendall at 815-7428 or email him at 
Our procational talk for the evening was given  by Past President Dave Zybert. Dave has been in all phases of the entertainment industry and theater.  Many great things are happening in Dave's life especially recently.  If you weren't at the meeting let Dave know you are interested in his story.
More on our District Conference.  Last week was a picture of Mark and Jo Leiser with their display of candy at the House of Friendship. Well last night they presented a check for $584.00 to Polio Plus from the sale of the candy. The money will be applied to our giving this year.
President Duane Upton also announced, beside winning the award for Youth Services we also received one for Attendance. Because our Club has grown we have moved up to the mid size status.
Our program/speaker was Patrick Pharris, Board Member of Secret Witness.  Many of us were surprised this organization is funded through donations alone.  Patrick walked us through the process of being totally secret. In many cases a cash reward is offered but seldom collected. We saw a video on many of the horrific crimes that have been solved by a tip from Secret Witness.  If you would like more information contact Patrick at By the way all of the members are volunteers.  I also have a brochure with ways to donate if you so  wish.
Our Fun Chair, Lynn Johnson gave us details on our upcoming brewery tour and dinner at Great Basin Brewery on June 7th.  The menu to choose from is lengthy with something for every one to choose from.  Be sure to RSVP through the evite Lynn sent out last week.  Speaking of Lynn Johnson have you ever seen anyone so excited to get the chance to draw a marble? Alas it was the white one again.  I hope she gets another chance, her smile brought a smile to all members.  See you all next week for more fun and friendship.