Posted by Carol Hannigan on Oct 13, 2016

board meeting at 3:30 for certain officers and the rest of the board members came at 4:30. We learned a lot
on how our Club is doing and where we may improve, plus shared with D.G. John our direction.
We had several guests and alumni. One of our alumni guests introduced by Laire Trippet was Rhoda Thalman. Rhoda was in Interact in Hawaii and has submitted her application to the membership committee for consideration.

Joel then proceeded to formerly introduce District Governor, John Sullivan.

coming. Mark your calendars for Oct. 20th, Bridges Out of Poverty Workshop, April 1st, District Assembly at the Atlantis,
May 18th, District Conference at the Atlantis and June 10th Rotary International Conference in Atlanta, GA. Of course
there will be more in between.

job she is doing taking on the Treasurers duties and being one of our newer members.

truly appreciate this recognition.

we all assumed a white marble would come up. So can we call this good luck for Ken Petring to have
drawn the red marble. Well some is always better than none.
After a fun night of many bell rings, with full tummies we bid our District Governor John farewell for now.
See you all next week!