Posted by Ken Petring on Oct 21, 2019
The Purple Pinkie Run is our annual fundraiser. Since it is the only fundraiser we need to put on the best event possible, and that takes everyone’s participation. Proceeds from the event go towards Polio Plus, Immunize Nevada, the RCS Foundation, and our clubs own annual philanthropic endeavors.
The 2019 run provided the club with $7,000 that was used to host an exchange student, do a major project for the Eddy house, provide a bench for the Northern Nevada Veterans Home, send a student to RYLA, provide award money for speech and music contests, and contribute to a scholarship for a Damonte Ranch High School student (subject to board approval).
The first major event of this process is this Thursday's World Polio Day Polio Run Kickoff Party, which will be held at Great Basin Brewing Company's Taps & Tanks, 1155 S. Rock Boulevard.  Full details on this important event can be found under Upcoming Events on the left side of this newsletter.  I hope to see you all there! 
We need to be planning the event now and working on getting corporate sponsorships since many companies make decisions before the year end.  Please make every effort to be at the run on April 18th and volunteer now to get this critical fundraiser going.