Posted by Carol Hannigan
on Apr 23, 2016

We were all with joy to see Ken Petring return to meetings. Ken said everyone always said he was full of bull, well now it's true. Ken had heart surgery which included replacing a valve with one from a real Bull. He is the picture of health and ready to continue forward.
President Duane Upton made the announcement we were able to obtain a scholarship winner. Chad Crow who was our 4th place winner in the music contest also applied for our Club scholarship. Our committee submitted his application to the District with the hopes he will be selected. By the way District has selected our candidates the past two years. We will keep you informed.
Our percational presenter was Rafael Capucci. Along with his talk Rafael showed us a video outlining his business , family and pets. Now on to our speaker for the evening. Dr. Cindy Lamerson had so much information about up coming medical changes in 2017 we went into over time. It's so past time to contact our legislators to try and curb some of the so called "Train Wreck" heading our way. Rick Lierman and Dr. Lamerson are friends and assisted in obtaining her for one of our programs.
Now here is proof that knowing your music and artists pays off. Past President Shelley Johnson won the bonus tickets which were placed in the bucket then proceeded to the drawing of the marble after her ticket was selected. The red marble loves to hold out and tease us into thinking it might be us. If you click on the top of the bulletin to read on the web
the articles and pictures look better, your choice. See you all Tuesday for the area music contest.