Sharon Zenz was working with the families of the Speech Contestants that took place on March 26, 2013, and shared a heart-warming story with our members.  If this story doesn't give you a clear focus for what Rotary does, nothing will. 


Sharon Zenz was working with the families of the Speech Contestants that took place on March 26, 2013, and shared this story with our members:

I thought I'd share a story from last night. One of the mothers thanked me for putting on the event. I said something like, "No problem. We love speech contest nights." Then she shared with me that she was born deaf. Her daughter is a senior in high school, a public speaker and actor, who has won awards, but she'd never heard any of it, only read lips. She recently received cochlear implants. Last night was the FIRST time she'd ever HEARD her daughter give a speech. She cried, and thanked us all.

 THIS is what Rotary helps create, these memories that are precious. Thanks again, everyone!

Proud to be a Rotarian? Absolutely
