Tuesday was our Club Speech Contest. This is always one of our favorite events. Our first place winner was Sarah, she is holding her check behind her, second place was Tara who would like to speak to our Club for the FFA club concerning our sage grouse in Nevada. Third place was awarded to Colton. Sarah will compete in the area contest on April 13th at the Sparks Rotary Club.

We had a nice presentation to our Club from Co-AG Tina Spencer. We were awarded a matching grant of $2250.00 for our Solace Tree project. You will be hearing from Ralph and Chip for sign ups to attend and off site visit on March 22nd.

Another great presentation was to Past President Cindy Welch. Cindy has earned her Paul Harris plus four pin. This is always something to celebrate.
A little early Valentine Day surprise. My mother Edna Ede who cooked and served the Portola Rotary Club for over forty years is also crafty. Mom made us these cute baskets and filled them with heart chocolates. Maybe this might be all we get?
Our RYE student Siounmin, is trying to earn money for her up coming group trip. She is selling coupon books with many discounts at several restaurants, and other venders in our area. I do believe we filled her order book. If you want to get in on this contact Chesa and she will let you know the program and cost.
Past President and Fund Raising chair Mark Schauss gave us an update on the progress of Shamrock Shindig. We now have tickets to sell as well as buying them on the web. If you didn't get your tickets last night contact Mark to receive some. Melissa Lindell from the auction committee made a plea for items and wine so we can continue putting the baskets together. We all owe a huge thank you to Past President Chip Lindloff. Chip has secured the event site, donated beer, donated printing of tickets and more. Our expenses would be triple without these donations.

O.K. that's it!!!! The next time the California lottery hits five million I'm taking Chesa with me to buy the ticket. However the naughty red ball is still up for grabs. I think the cash amount is over $700.00 . Speaking of cash our Don't Return It auction took in over $800.00. See you all next week for a program from NV Energy Consumer Services on other incentives to save us money.