President Scott acknowledged several members for their service by awarding them 100 points each toward their Paul Harris. They included Melissa Lindell, Chesa Kean, Larie Trippet and Ann McKenzie.
District Governor Tina brought the Doctor with her to our meeting to promote Smiles Across Boarders. He and a group of Rotarians will travel to Mexico. The Doctor will perform Cleft Pallet operations on several young children. This was Tina's project this year.
We had a lot of fun drawing raffle tickets for items in the gift basket we received from Reno Sunrise. President Scott felt sorry for me because he took the knifes from me at our Christmas Party so he let me exchange my ticket for his bottle of wine. Chip was the last to draw so he got the basket that everything came in. Do you think we will see it at our Don't Return It Auction?

It looks like Claire got a nice envelope with a gift certificate.
Some of our members went to Fernley to lay wreaths on graves for the Wreaths Across America project.
Others from our Club did Bell Ringing for the Salvation Army. It sounds like they collected a lot of cash for a great cause.

Sharon Zenz and Joe Musser were the white marble winners. Plan on seeing my picture in the next bulletin winning the
Red Marble. Of course I still believe in Santa Claus. Here is wishing everyone a Happy and Safe New Year. I plan on watching the Ball drop in New York then lights out.
We did have a speaker, Dave Crumley who heads Bridges Out of Poverty. He gave us an update on the project. This is a joint effort by all eight Rotary Clubs in our area. We all participate in funding the project. Please contact President Scott for more information, it is a lot to put in this news letter.