Posted by Carol Hannigan on May 10, 2017

Induction of new members Jacqueline (Jackie) Lechler and Ann McKenzie. Be sure to welcome them and invite all new members to be included in all events. Committee Chairs be the first to grab them for your committee. Look at this big smile. Red Badge Rhoda Thalman completes her Blue Badge requirements. Congratulations Rhoda.

On May 2nd our Club hosted the area eight music contest. I can't imagine how hard it was for the judges to select a winner. We had great box lunches and enjoyed visiting members from other Clubs, guests and District Governor Nominee, Tina Spencer and C0-Assistant Governor, Joel Muller.

Our member Rhoda Thalman stepped in for Past President Chip Lindloff to arrange and M.C. the evening. Great job.

President Elect Melissa Lindell sent photos of her visit to the Rotary Club of Chamonix France. She said the language was hard to follow but the food and wine was exceptional.
Our speaker for the evening was Paul Penttilla from the Boys Scouts of America. It was interesting to hear how closely the Scouts and Rotary share values and similarities. Paul Harris was a scout himself. Paul made a point how important hugs are like the ones we give at the beginning of our meetings. There are over 6800 Boy Scouts in our District.

O.K. ready, set, go. Our Fun Chair Lynn Johnson couldn't believe her ticket was drawn to get a chance at the red marble. Oh no, the white one. Free dinner is always good. Lynn will be sending out evites for a visit to Urban Roots on May 30th. Past President David Zybert made a request for participants to join him in President Leslie's demotion party. Contact Dave. President Leslie reminded us May 14th is the last day to register for the District Conference. Too much fun to be had. We had several bell rings and sham less plugs plus our usual laughs. Run Chair Courtney Pino will have a report to our Club on the event soon.