As stated on the Rotary.org website, “Rotary International President Holger Knack’s theme for 2020-21, is Rotary Opens Opportunities, to create opportunities that strengthen their leadership, help put service ideas into action, and improve lives of others in need.”
District Governor, Berta Pickett’s theme of a JOurneY of Joy builds on the international theme both within our district and club. So how do we complete this mission to do good in our local community and the world? We become ACTIVELY involved as resourceful Rotarians. There are countless opportunities, limited only by our imagination. Yes, in this year of COVID, we may be facing limited fundraising opportunities to provide financing for projects. This does not, however, limit our ability to serve. Some activities cost our club zero dollars, but provide for meaningful, needed, and purposeful contributions. It does not cost the club anything to volunteer at the Food Bank of Northern Nevada, ring a bell for the Salvation Army, or mentor a student. Sure, it’s more fun (as the fun club enjoys partaking!) to do larger projects. So think outside the box: Are you traveling anywhere in the world where you can become involved as a Rotarian? Is there a way the club can become involved as well?
Let’s face it, we are all successful members of our community, and we earned our accomplishments through hard work, ingenuity, and determination. Now we are challenged to make the most of these characteristics. After all, we are Rotarians At Work every day in some way through our thoughts, words, and deeds.