Posted by Carol Hannigan on Feb 09, 2017
Our January 31st meeting had many announcements. The District management team is looking for Sgt. at Arms for the District Assembly and District Conference. If anyone is interested please let President Leslie know. President elect Melissa Lindell gave us the date for the Ski Day at Mt. Rose ski resort, March 31st. Those who don't want to ski but would like to participate in the BBQ let Melissa know. Our Fireside Chat at Joe Musser's house is Feb. 14th. We are having a Taco Bar for food so if you haven't signed up for the event let Larie know by Friday. Past President, Rick Lierman is looking for mentors for the Bridges Out of Poverty program. Elijah Thomas is taking orders for Rotary shirts, you will be receiving emails from him. Larie Trippet gave us a update on the health of Dennis McCormac. March 25th is the target date to install the new benches at Marvin Piccolo School, this will be headed by Ralph Koss.

We had many guests brought by Rhoda, Ricardo, Joe, and Shelley. The membership committee will be in contact to invite them to attend again. I do believe a couple are coming to our Fireside Chat. Way to go members.