Posted by Carol Hannigan on Aug 12, 2016

Two of our members have returned from ventures outside the Country. Larie Trippit and his wife Katie just finished a month long motor cycle trip through several Scandinavian countries. Larie brought us trading flags from the Rotary Clubs he attended while there.
Also bringing us a trading flag from Kathmandu was Brigitte Kidd.

Past President Jim Annis led us in a very meaningful pledge of allegiance. He had us pause at the end of each phrase to reflect on the words we had just spoken.
Elizabeth Fielder from Reno Central made an announcement they will begin working with the area eight Clubs on a combined community service project. It would begin by working with the Food Bank and the poverty level people in our area. Rotarians would become their mentors and continue to teach them ways to pull out of poverty. This would be a multi year project. More information will be forth coming.

Michelle Aiken's father in law is a Past District Governor from Las Vegas and surprised her with a Paul Harris. Michelle is a councilor at Damonte Ranch High School and has been working with RCS for many years on Speech and Debate contests, plus assisting in our Scholarship. She was unaware of the award and was very delighted to receive it.

Our new inbound RYE student, Juan from Argentina made his first visit to our Club. We were all surprised with gifts of local made candy. I couldn't wait till I got home and probably was the first person to indulge. A great treat to the Club.

Past President Duane Upton made a return to the podium to receive his perfect attendance certificate for last year.

Procational speaker for the evening was Courtney Pino. Courtney has a lot of experience working in a hardware store. Growing up her parents owned an Ace Hardware where she worked while in school. She has a degree from UNR in Business Management. Courtney is a very involved Rotarian.

Our program for the evening was presented by two members of the Utility Players. They have shows Saturday nights at the Sands. They specialize in improv, murder mysteries and team building. For schedules find them at
Time for the marble drawing. I do believe we have seen Scott with his hand in the bag just a couple of weeks ago. No red marble yet.